Help Centre

How can we help you today?

This app is an informative platform contain all the services/products provided by A&W Consulting (MM2H) Sdn Bhd. By using this App, you can always up-to-date to the latest offers/promotions/events of A&W Consulting (MM2H) Sdn Bhd, also easier for you to find any products/services by simply click on the search bar on the top navigation, all the results will be listed in a while.

User may receive push notification when merchant want to announce some important news to all the users sometimes. Free gift will be award to the winner who join the shake campaign(Lucky draw) that created by the A&W Consulting (MM2H) Sdn Bhd.

  • Provide latest promotions, news, products and event information of A&W Consulting (MM2H) Sdn Bhd.
  • An interactive platform for A&W Consulting (MM2H) Sdn Bhd and user to communicate to each others.
  • Easier user to search the service or product provided by A&W Consulting (MM2H) Sdn Bhd.
  • Navigate to Apple App Store to download.
  • After download and install, click on agree receive notification of this app.
  • Use the bottom navigator bar to switch between each function page.
  • Use the search function by click on the magnifier icon on the top navigator bar.
  • Click on the bells icon on the top navigator bar to get past notifcation history.
  • Click on the dots icon on the top navigator bar to show the business info of the A&W Consulting (MM2H) Sdn Bhd.
  • User must register in order to join the lucky draw campaign.
  • A&W Consulting (MM2H) Sdn Bhd has the right to change or edit the campaign rules and prizes.
  • User may check the past records in the shake records icon.
  • User may check the winners of the selected campaign by click on the campaign in the campaign list.
  • User may choose the redeem option to redeem the prize from the A&W Consulting (MM2H) Sdn Bhd.
  • Any abuse,hack,by pass and misuse will be revoke the right to participate the campaign.

Technical Support:
General Hotline: +6016 776 2140